Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Best Friend You'll Ever Have

DECISIONS, DECISIONS, DECISIONS-- life is full of decisions at every turn, choices we must make at every turn.. How do we know which decision, which choice, is the best one for us to make? We use a Pendulum.
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WHAT, EXACTLY, IS A PENDULUM? In it's physical sense, a Pendulum is a suspended object that swings. The one shown below is the one I use... the 'Diamond Pendulum'. It has a little faux-pearl on the other end of the chain. However, I don't like my Pendulum chains so long, so, I cut the chain to about 3-inches and reattached the faux-pearl.

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HOW, EXACTLY, DOES A PENDULUM WORK? A Pendulum works by tapping into the finer, (or higher-frequency), electro-magnetic forces of the Universe. As man is the microcosm of the Universe, (the macrocosm),  electro-magnetism is a Universal force that can be apprehended by anyone using a Pendulum.
Just as a dog can 'hear' sounds at a higher frequency than a human being can, so, too, does the Pendulum work in the same way. When you ask a question, your mind is using the microcosmic electrical impulses of your nervous-system, (which cause the synapses in your brain to fire). When you ask with a Pendulum, you are consciously tapping into the Universal Mind, (the macrocosmic electro-magnetic matrix of the Universe). The Pendulum, (in its turn and through the Law of Equivalency, i.e. electro - magnetism are two sides of the same coin), then magnetizes the answer back to you... electricity projects, magnetism draws unto.

In short, the Universal Mind stands at the ready... magnetizing, (drawing unto itself), your electrically-projected question and, in return, shooting off its own electrically-projected answer to your Pendulum, which is standing at the ready, to magnetize, (draw unto itself), that answer. This goes along with the notion of, 'Ask, and it shall be given unto you'.

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ASKING, CREATING, and the UNIVERSAL MIND-- The Universal Mind is the creative force behind all of Creation. It is the Source of all forces in the Universe... the Source of all potential... the Source of all being... whether manifest or unmanifest. For human beings, these forces are stepped-down in frequency, (rate of vibration), but the pattern is the same. In order for us to create something, we must first have a vision of it. This is done in the mental realm, in our mind. Then we get busy to make it manifest. A song, a new recipe, a faster car, whatever... is first envisioned in the mind.
When we need an answer to a question, we turn to the Universal Mind for assistance. In a sense, it can be likened to prayer. More often than not, people pray for things, or experiences, they wish to have. What they are doing is tapping into the Universal Mind to manifest for them what it is they desire.
The problem with this is that hardly anyone ever asks the Universal Mind whether whatever it is they are praying for, asking for, is a good thing for them to have. They just take it for granted that whatever they want should be theirs for the asking. But this is just not so.
The Pendulum helps us in defining whether what we want is of value to us or not, is good for us or not. It helps us in becoming spiritually mature and responsible beings. And this, of course, entails getting a 'NO' answer at times, and abiding it. Only a child screams, yells, and throws a tantrum when it doesn't get what it wants. And yet, how many people, (how many good and fervently praying people), throw an inner fit because GOD is not giving them what they want? Then their faith falters, their trust feels shattered. They wonder, 'why isn't prayer working?'

All of this could have been avoided if they had only asked first whether what they were wanting was good for them or not... just as a child asks for a candy and the parent says 'NO' because, even tho the child wants it, the parent knows it's not good for them. At least, not at that particular moment. By that same token, the Universal Mind will sometimes tell us 'NO' too. This goes along with the notion of, 'Not my Will, but Thine'.
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THE BIG SOUP-- 'A rose by any other name smells as sweet'. You can personalize the Universal Mind if you so wish. Some people call the Universal Mind, GOD. You could use the terms Spirit, Guardian Angel, Higher Self, Jesus (or the name of any holy person you feel an affinity with), etc. etc. Doing this seems to help human beings feel more connected to the Universal Mind. This is so because the Universal Mind is so vast, we often feel lost in that kind of eternal largesse. For me, personally, I use the term 'Spirit'.
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THE SWING: YES, NO, NOT AT THIS TIME-- Of course, the first thing you have to do with your Pendulum is to figure out which way it will swing when giving a YES answer, a NO answer, or a NOT AT THIS TIME answer. This will take only a few moments to accomplish. If you are using a Pendulum book, it will have the instructions in there. With the purchase of the 'Diamond Pendulum' I'm recommending, instructions are included.

If you want to go it alone, (sans instructions), it's easy enough. Write on a blank piece of paper, YES at the top; NO in the middle, and NOT AT THIS TIME at the bottom. Then, clap and rub your hands together three times. Now, hold the Pendulum between your hands and ask, 'Spirit, show me YES'.

(The point of first clapping your hands and rubbing them together is to increase the circulation of blood to your hands, thus, increasing their sensitivity to the swing of the Pendulum. In short, you're waking them up, preparing them for this particular type of work)

Hold the Pendulum by the end of the chain and let it dangle over the YES on your paper. Keep your hand and fingers steady... let the Pendulum do the work. It will begin to swing of its own accord. Note which way it swings and write down on your paper which way the Pendulum is swinging for each 'Show me'. If you're uncomfortable doing this 'free-hand', then rest your elbow on the table to steady your hand.

The 'swing' is different for different people. For me, the Pendulum swings vertically for YES, horizontally for NO, and in a counter-clockwise circle for NOT AT THIS TIME. Your experience may be completely different. Whatever the pattern turns out to be for you, that's the pattern you use.
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HOW DOES ONE USE A PENDULUM? The method I use is this: I clap and rub my hands together three times, as outlined above, then take the Pendulum out of its pouch, hold it between my hands and first ask, 'Spirit, may I inquire about _______________? (a Person, such as your spouse, child, sibling, parent, lover, boss, etc.. or a Subject, such as a course of study, a job, a vacation to Bali, etc.)
If the answer is 'YES', then I either ask my question outright, or prepare my materials and then ask.
EXAMPLE: I can tell my child is feeling unwell. I ask, 'Spirit, has my child got a cold?' Answer: NO. So, I ask again, 'Has my child got the flu?' Answer: YES. Now that I know what my child is coming down with, I can get ahead of it and do what needs be done. And, I can keep asking... 'Should I take my child to the doctor for this?', 'Should I give my child such-and-such medication?', 'Should I keep my child home from school tomorrow? the day after that too?'
EXAMPLE: There are 5 classes I want to take, but I must narrow it down to 3. I write down the list of classes, (or, if they're printed in a school curriculum, I use that ). Once again, with the Pendulum between my palms, I say, 'Spirit, please show me which classes would be most beneficial for me to take this semester'. Then, I slowly pass the Pendulum over the list of classes. It will respond either YES or NO to those classes. If I only get 2 YES answers out of the 5, I will ask, 'Is there a different class than what I have shown you that I should attend?' If the answer is YES, then I will hold the Pendulum over the other classes until it shows me which one is a YES.
As you can see, you can ask just about any question in the world that you have. However, the question must not only be asked in a mood of sincerity, but of gratitude. Playing with a Pendulum for 'kicks' will not give you reliable results at all.

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WHAT PENDULUM SHOULD I USE? I've been using a Pendulum for some 30+ years and the best one I have found, (the one that gives the most intense responses, i.e. 'swing'), is the 'Diamond Pendulum'. It's not made out of a diamond; rather, it is diamond-shaped. The one I recommend, (shown below), is made of solid Brass and is then completely Gold-plated. In the picture, it doesn't look like it is... all you can see is a Gold band around the Pendulum but, trust me, it's Gold-plated all over. And can be gotten here, (about $30-bucks):


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BOOKS AND CHARTS-- The best Pendulum book I ever came across  is called, 'Pendulum Workbook' by Markus Schirner. Alas, I'm not sure if it's in print anymore. It contains the usual, 'How to use a Pendulum' material, but what makes it really great are the Charts that are included.

Here is the list of the Charts: (and, boy-oh-boy, are they great Charts!)

The Right Pendulum Chart (which Chart should I work with today?)
Number, Letter, and Percentage Tables Charts
Life Questions Charts (obstacles, relationships, virtues, vices, destinies- how will it end / what should I do)
Past & Future Life Charts
Geographical Orientation of the Incarnation Chart
Circumstances of the Incarnation Chart
Life Work of the Incarnation Chart
Death of the Incarnation Chart
Karmic Relationships Chart
Higher Karmic Laws Chart
Meditation Techniques Chart
Enneagram Chart
Color Chart
Diagnosis Charts (8 of them)
The Right Therapy Chart (2 of them)
Meridian Chart
Vitamin Chart (with dosages)
Minerals and Trace Elements Chart (with dosages)
Nutrition Therapy Charts (2 of them, with dosages)

BIOCHEMISTRY CHARTS (Cell Salts, with dosages)-- THE ultimate requirements for optimum health-- Before doing anything else when feeling ill, have general debilitation, are experiencing mental and/or emotional problems, (whatever it is that is ailing you), make certain your Cell Salts are in order. Without these Salts in proper proportion in your body, the body is deficient in the ONE THING it needs to repair and replenish itself. They can be likened to gas in your car. Without it, the car's not going anywhere.
Whenever we're sick, the body is telling us its CELL SALTS are depleted, thus, the body is incapable of repairing itself. We take medicine, but that does not heal (cure) the underlying problem, it only gets rid of the symptoms. Sooner or later, we get sick again, either with the same thing or something else. Why? Because the underlying problem, CELL SALT DEFICIENCY, has not been addressed.

Cell Salts ARE the fuel the body needs to get back to health, back to perfect working order, (and stay that way), so we can get busy living life in all its fullness of possibility and doing what we need to do to create, achieve, and inspire others without being sidetracked by physical illness and/or mental/emotional states of sadness, depression, hopelessness, resentment, anger, hatred, bitterness etc.**

Chakra Chart
Homeopathy Charts (12 of them, with dosages)
Flower Remedy Charts (3 of them, with dosages)
Aromatherapy Charts (10 of them, with dosages)
Healing Herbs Charts (6 of them including Chinese and Native American, with dosages)
Tea Charts (5 of them, with dosages)
Tree Chart
Burning & Smudging with Resins, Balsams, and Woods (Incense) Chart
Zones of Disturbance Chart
Intensity of Energy Chart
Water Tables Chart (6 of them)
Gemstones & Minerals Chart (8 of them)
Weather Forecasting Chart
Medicine Wheel Chart
Runes Chart (2 of them)
I Ching Chart
Astrology Charts (3 of them)
Tarot Charts (2 of them)

I just love this book and believe it is very-well worth your while to find a copy. I've had mine forever it seems. I took it to my nearest Office Max and had them 'spiral-bind' it so it would lay flat. I also had them put a clear plastic cover on the front and back as these were looking worse for the wear, *lol*.
When working with Charts from a book, you really want to look for books that are spiral-bound, otherwise it's very difficult to use the Charts inside. If not, you'll have to have the book spiral-bound yourself. It's pretty inexpensive to do this... maybe, $5-bucks.
You can find plenty of Pendulum books at Amazon, but I cannot recommend any of them because I don't have any of them. When I first started using a Pendulum, I used the book by Hanna Kroeger, which is a lovely book, but just a primer... it doesn't contain any Charts. OR, you can make your own Charts!

**CELL SALTS, (also called 'Mineral Salts')

Being an Astrologer, as well as an experienced Pendulum Dowser, I have found a few very excellent books on Cell Salts, they are:

'The Biochemic System of Medicine: Comprising the Theory, Pathological Action, Therapeutical Application, Materia Medica, and Repertory of Schuessler's Twelve Tissue Remedies'
 by Dr. George Carey

A thorough explanation of Cell Salts and how they effect the body.



'The Biochemic Handbook'
by J.B. Chapman & Edward L. Perry

A very useful quick reference guide to what ails you and what Cell Salts to take for it.


'The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation'
by Dr. George Carey

This is a philosophical, astrological, and psycho/spiritual/physiological treatise that will provide you with a fabulous philosophical knowledge of how the physical body works, thus, why Cell Salts are the body's ultimate requirement for health. Study of this book will repay you for the rest of your life.


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Using a Pendulum is such a wonderful experience. It takes the guess-work out of deciding which way to turn when faced with having to make all the choices we do in our lives. I hope you take advantage of this tool...
it will not only enhance your life a hundred-fold,
but you'll wonder how you EVER got along without it